
“You can never put too little faith in government or the media. 过去一年的成就, OG真人官网看到了很多, required the conviction to take action based on data 和 judgement while blocking out the noise being shouted from all sides. This conviction included knowing when the crisis (versus a real but manageable problem) was over 和 pushing back to normal while competitors were still looking in the rear-view mirror. Focused leadership combined with the ability to personally connect with others won big this year. 乐观是2021年的正确策略, 尽管一开始很艰难, 和 it continues to be the right strategy today (recognizing there are new challenges to navigate).”

Ken Rotman,首席执行官兼董事总经理

“在过去的13年里, we have had two major crises – the financial crash of 2008 和 the Covid epidemic. What has become clear is that the “experts” that come to the forefront in these times know little. Therefore, reacting to the experts’ opinions is not likely to be productive. What we can do is “stay the course” as best as we can while tactically adjusting to new realities. 在OG真人官网, that means ensuring our portfolio 公司 have adequate liquidity 和 low financial leverage. What has worked particularly well is the focus on our domain areas (industries in which we specialize). This focus has resulted in our ability to react quickly in response to unique opportunities. An example is the sale of 同时能源 to STEM by our energy transition team in close cooperation with 同时能源’s excellent management team. Another example is the Delaware Park acquisition which was completed in a matter of a few months (including all regulatory approvals). This transaction was h和led 和 sourced by our gaming domain group. I wish all our partners 和 employees a very happy 2022 和 stay the course that has served you well.”

G. 约翰·克雷奇,主席
OG真人官网 Group Inc.

“随着这非凡的一年接近尾声, we look ahead to 2022 with a renewed sense of optimism 和 hope. 在逆境中, 一个人的领导能力会受到真正的考验, 和 we are afforded the difficult yet important opportunity to showcase the incredible power of empathy, compassion 和 kindness; what truly matters comes into clear focus, helping to strengthen 和 drive one’s personal 和 professional growth.”

Isadore Sharp, OG真人官网 Director 和 创始人 of Four Seasons Hotels & 度假村

“One of the biggest lessons of the past year is that technology, 无论多好, 不能取代人际互动. The ability to connect with our partners on a personal level 和 truly become part of the team is one of OG真人官网’s greatest strengths, 和 we’ll see even greater success as our professionals are able to travel 和 interact more.”

Joe Fluet, OG真人官网董事兼首席执行官 & MAG航空航天创始人

“This past year taught us the importance of both determination but also creative problem solving.  作为一家废品处理公司,OG真人官网在应对新冠疫情时遇到了许多问题, including having to work onsite as trash cannot be managed remotely. We also had to manage our significant growth throughout the p和emic. 作为一个管理团队,OG真人官网必须保持专注 stay safe: determined, but also nimble in our thinking to solve these issues”


在危机中, expeditious decisions with some mistakes are better than cautious decisions with regrets. 做好转向的准备. 坐以待毙是绝对不可接受的. 在危机中做出的决定永远不应该在泡沫中做出. 参与并信任你的团队.”


“远程工作当然有其便利之处. But when done exclusively, it comes at a cost to mental health, productivity, 和 passion.”

首席执行官亚历克斯·韦伯 & 创始人

“目标! 人 like to aim at something 和 to be able to measure their own achievements. While we always pushed 和 rewarded people for success 和 hard work, this past year we instituted specific targets to achieve for everyone in the organization. This really energized an already motivated group 和 the results have been great.”

迈克尔·斯科尔尼克,首席执行官 & 联合创始人

“Enabling frictionless communication increased efficiencies, employee engagement, 和 innovation.”


“对成功的追求很少不需要牺牲. 和孩子在一起的时间, 你的人际关系, 你的身心健康, 当你专注于超越你的目标时,它们都经过了考验. 不要忽视自己和他人. That singular focus can be blinding but finding time for yourself will allow you to perform at an optimal level, 对于更长的时间, 同时不要伤害到你自己和你周围的人.”

Stephen Arbib,首席执行官

“The ability to attract, retain 和 reward great people is the most important predictor of success.”

罗伯特·谢弗,首席执行官 & 联合创始人

“The one thing I have learned is that you never know what can go wrong 和 it is important not to overleverage your properties 和 to keep reserves so that when the unexpected hits you can survive. 展望未来, I will be much more conservative in the amount of leverage I have even though from a tax st和point, 它是如此吸引人.”


“Trust your instincts, have faith in yourself, 和 stick to your core beliefs. Focus your energies on only those things that you can influence or control 和 don’t lose sleep on those that you can’t.”

肖恩·弗莱明,首席执行官 & 联合创始人